Produktserie: Pälstyp

Silky Longhair

American Curl Longhair (ACL)


Burmilla (Longhair)

Cashmere – Bengal LH (CAM)

Cymric (CYM)

Deutsch Langhaar (DLH): The cat has a long coat, a collar and “Knickerbockers” (fluffy coated trousers on the backlegs). The coat is of shining, silky structure and has undercoat. Preference is to be given to a long coat that divides down the spine.

Japanese Bobtail Longhair (JBL)

Maine Coon*

Manx (Longhair)

Minuet Longhair (MIL): The coat is long and dense, with a silky structure. Depending on the season, it can also be shorter. The texture is soft, but not wooly. All-weather-coat is preferred with moderate undercoat. Despite a slight undercoat it lies smooth on the body. A moderate ruff and breeches are desired.

Munchkin Longhair (MNL): 

Nebelung – Russian Blue LH (NEB)

Original Longhair / Traditional Longhair (TLH)*: Dense and long on body, with full ruff and brush. From the rear, hind legs should have a trousered appearance. Texture fine, soft and silky, glossy in appearance and standing away from body.

Persian - Colourpoint (PER)*: The coat is long and dense; with a fine, silky texture. It is soft, but not woolly. The full, long frill covers the shoulders and the chest.

Ragamuffin (RGM)

Ragdoll (RAG)

Sacred Birman (SBI)

Siberian Cat Neva Masquerade (SIB)*

Turkish Angora (TUA)*

Ural Rex Longhair (URL)

York Chocolate (YOR)


Silky Shorthair

Abyssinian (ABY): Short, fine and glossy with slight undercoat, but dense and lying elastically to the body.

American Burmese (AMB): Fine, glossy, satin-like texture; short and very close lying.

American Curl Shorthair (ACS): The short coat is silky, flat lying, elastic and has almost no undercoat.

Brazilian Shorthair (BSH): The coat is short and glossy and close lying to the body. It has a silky texture and no undercoat.

Burmilla (Shorthair)

Ceylon (CEY): The coat is very short, fine and of silky texture. It is close lying to the body and has little undercoat. The back and the flanks are evenly ticked without stripes or spots. On the back, the legs and the tail is a clear pattern with stripes. The stripes may be open on the neck. On the belly there are two rows of spots. The tail tip is evenly coloured with the colour of the ticking.

Japanese Bobtail Shorthair (JBT): The coat is short and soft. It has a silky texture and hardly any undercoat.

Korat (KOR): The single coat is short to medium, lustrous and fine. It lies close to the body. The coat has a tendency to part along the back, when the cat moves.

Minuet Shorthair (MIS): The coat is medium short, dense, with a silky structure and not close lying. The texture is plush, double coat and an all-weather-coat with moderate undercoat is preferred. Not wooly.

Ocicat (OCI): The coat is short and dense, glossy and silky, close lying and without undercoat.

Singapura (SIN): The coat is short, dense, fine and close lying to the body. Each single hair has double or preferably triple bands of ticking. The ticking shall be uniform, without stripes over the body. The line along the spine (eel line), the tail tip and the back of the hind legs (plantar faces) are the same colour as the ticking. Chest and belly are without ticking and show only the base colour. The inner side of the legs may show slight stripes.

Ural Rex Shorthair (URX): The coat is short and fine, soft, silky and dense. It covers the entire body and tail in firm, flat waves. The special feature of this breed is the striking elasticity of the wave.


Textured Longhair

American Bobtail LH (ABL): Medium-short, stands slightly away from the body. Hair may be slightly longer on belly. Undercoat present, not extremely dense.

British Longhair (BLH)*: Length: The coat shall be long, smooth and very dense, with sufficient undercoat. It shall be crisp and not flat lying, it shall stand away from the body. A ruff and “knickerbockers” are desirable. The tail shall be bushy, well furnished and full to emphasize the cat’s beauty. Texture: Rather coarse and crisp, but softer than that in British Shorthair. The coat texture may be different in colours other than blue.

Highland Fold (SFL): The coat is of medium length and very dense, with substantial undercoat. It is crisp and does not lie flat.

Karelian Bobtail Longhair (KAL)*

Kurilian Bobtail Longhair (KBL)*

LaPerm Longhair (LPL)

Norwegian Forest Cat (NFO)


Textured Shorthair

American Bobtail SH (ABS)

American Shorthair (ASH): The coat is short, dense, firm and glossy.

American Wirehair (AWH): The coat is short, each individual hair is crimped, hooked or bent resulting in a wired coat and the coat standing away from the body. The coat is elastic, coarse and very dense. The general impression of wiring is more important than the crimping of each individual hair.

Anatoli (ANA): The coat is short and without a woolly undercoat. It has a fine texture, but is harsher to touch.

Arabian Mau (ARM): The coat is without undercoat and close lying to the body. The texture in adult cats should not be too silky, it should be firm to touch.

British Shorthair (BRI)*: The coat is short and very dense, not close lying. It stands away from the body like plush due to the sufficient undercoat. The texture is not woolly, it is crisp.

Celtic/European Shorthair (KKH): The coat is short, dense, firm and glossy.

Chartreux (CHA)*: The coat is short, dense and slightly standing. The texture is crisp.

Chausie (CHS)*: A dense, soft undercoat with a somewhat resilient, slightly coarser outer coat. Solid black may feel softer. Black grizzled cats may feel coarser in proportion to the amount of grizzling present. Short to medium length with enough length to accommodate at least two bands of ticking.

Kanaani (KAN): The coat is short, close lying and with little undercoat. The structure is rather coarse and not soft like in the Siamese. The hairs are long enough to show a clear ticking in the base colour and in the pattern. The ticking cannot be sacrificed, but it is not pronounced enough for the spots to disappear.

Karelian Bobtail Shorthair (KAS): The coat is short, very dense and has a well developed, soft undercoat. The top coat is firm and glossy.

Kurilian Bobtail Shorthair (KBS): The coat is short, with well developed top coat and little undercoat.

LaPerm Shorthair (LPS)*: The coat is medium short, elastic, quite light, not too heavy and not too thick. The coat must stand off from the body. The coat may be loosely waved or curled over most of the cat, curling is preferred. The curls are not very tight. The coat can be easily parted along the back. The tail looks like a bottle brush.

Manx Shorthair (MAN): The coat is short with a dense, soft undercoat. The top coat has a firm texture.

Munchkin Shorthair (MNS): The coat is medium short, glossy, resilient and not close lying, an all-weather-coat with moderate undercoat.

Savannah (SAV): Short with good substance and a slightly coarse feel to it. Coarser guard hairs cover a softer undercoat; the spots have a notably softer texture than the guard hairs. The coat is not inordinately dense and lies relatively flat against the body.

Soft / Satin Longhair

Aphrodites Giant (APL)

Exotic Shorthair (EXO)

Household pet Longhair (HPL)

Pixiebob Longhair (PXL): 

Scottish Fold (Longhair)

Selkirk Rex Longhair (SRL): The coat is of medium length, soft, with a dense undercoat and curled hair tips. The curling is particularly pronounced on the neck, the belly and on the tail.

Somali (SOM)

Turkish Van (TUV)


Soft / Satin Shorthair

Aphrodite’s Giant KH (APS): Soft cotton-woolly coat, not too short with undercoat in Winter, in summer much shorter and no undercoat. Not much topcoat covering. Neither in summer nor in winter. Only on back very little top-coat covering Coat very soft to the touch.

Australian Mist (AUM): The coat is short, glossy and elastic, with undercoat.

Bengal – Snow Bengal (BEN): The coat is short and dense, lustrous and silky (like a pelt).

Bombay (BOM): The coat is very short, fine and silky in texture. It lies close to the body and has a glossy black colour from the root to the tip.


Colorpoint Shorthair

Cornish Rex (CRX): The coat is soft, plush and elastic due to the lack of guard hairs. It is short and wavy. Whiskers and eye brows are crinkled.

Devon Rex (DRX): The coat is very short, fine, soft and wavy due to lack of guard hairs. The whiskers and eye brows are crinkled.

Egyptian Mau (MAU): The coat is medium short, dense, supple and close lying to the body. The texture is resilient in the colours silver and bronze, fine and silky in the colour smoke.

European Burmese (BUR): The coat is very short, fine and glossy. It is close lying to the body and has almost no undercoat.

Exotic Shorthair (EXO): The coat is short and dense, with fine, silky texture and and protrudes slightly from the body. It is soft, but not woolly, slightly longer than the BRI, but not long enough for it to fly.

German Rex (GRX): The coat is soft and supple due to the lack of guard hairs. It is short and wavy. Whiskers and eye brows are crinkled.

Household Pet Shorthair (HPS): The coat is short, dense and glossy.

Lykoi (LYS): Length: Short to medium length. Texture: Partially hairless. Undercoat is minimal; longer guard hairs cover the body. Amount of coat will vary depending on cycle of the year, but more coat is desirable over less coat. Coat resembles the look of an opossum coat. Soft to the touch. Colour/pattern: Thirty to seventy percent range of dark black from root to tip hair intermixed with white amelanistic from root to tip hair with 50/50 being ideal. The mask is hairless. White lockets, buttons and belly spots are allowed.

Pixiebob Shorthair (PXS): Soft and wooly, having loft. Is resilient to the touch. Short stand-up coat. Belly hair longer.

Russian Blue (RUS): The coat is short, silky and soft, standing away from the body. The coat is double (undercoat and top coat of equal length) and therefore appears to be very dense.

Scottish Fold Shorthair (SFS): The coat is short and very dense, standing off from the body. It is plush, due to substantial undercoat. The texture is crisp, not woolly.

Selkirk Rex Shorthair (SRX): The coat is short, plush, double, with a dense undercoat and pronounced curls.

Snowshoe (SNO): The coat is short to medium-short with no noticeable undercoat. Texture is smooth, glossy and close lying. The body colour is a paler tone of the colour of the points, any amount of white on the body is permitted. The preferred pattern is the white inverted "V" on the face, white shoe pattern.

Toyger (TOY): The coat is uniformly short, thick, very soft but resistant, with moderate undercoat. Slightly longer around the jowls suggesting a frill is desired. Some glitter is required; the more the better, without excessive loss of contrast or white base.


Siamese / Oriental

Foreign White Shorthair – Siamese (SIA w): The coat is very short, glossy and close lying to the body. It has a silky texture and no undercoat.

Foreign White Longhair – Balinese (BAL w): The coat is of medium length and glossy. It has a silky texture and no undercoat. The tail is furnished, forming a plume.

Mekong Bobtail (MBT): The coat is short and glossy and close lying. It has a silky, yet crisp texture, with minimal undercoat. 

Thai (THA): The coat is short and glossy, close lying to the body. It has a silky texture and no undercoat.

Textured Shorthair Siamese / Oriental

Toy Bob (TOB): The coat is short, dense, resilient, not close lying and with developed undercoat. The topcoat is almost the same length as the undercoat. Kitten can have a little bit wooly coat. Evenness of the body colour and contrast with the points are more important than whiteness.


Soft / Satin Shorthair Siamese / Oriental

Havana – Suffolk / Havana Brown (HAV): The coat is short to medium in length, smooth and lustrous. It lies close to the body, without undercoat.

Khao Manee (KAM): The coat is short, fine, and lies close to the body so that the muscles are visible. It feels neither coarse nor fluffy.

Oriental Shorthair (OSH): The coat is very short, glossy and close lying to the body. It has a silky texture and no undercoat.

Siamese (SIA): The coat is very short, glossy and close lying to the body. It has a silky texture and no undercoat.

Tonkinese (TON): The coat is medium short, fine, silky and dense and firm lying to the body.


Silky Longhair Siamese / Oriental

Oriental Longhair – Mandarin (OLH): The tail is furnished like a plume. The coat is of medium length and glossy. It has a silky texture and no undercoat.

Siamese Longhair – Balinese (BAL): The coat is of medium length and glossy. It has a silky texture and no undercoat. The tail is furnished, forming a plume.



Canadian Sphynx / Sphynx (SPH): The skin is only covered by a slight down. It has the appearance and texture of the skin of a human and has the same functions. There are wrinkles on the forehead, the neck and legs. Slight furnishing on the muzzle is permitted. Whiskers are desirable

Don Sphynx (DSX): The skin is elastic, completely naked or covered with a slight down. Prominent skin wrinkles on the head, the neck, on the legs and the belly. Whiskers are desired. Legs, paws, tail and muzzle may be covered with slight coat up to 2 mm. Hairless cats are preferred.

Peterbald (PBD): The skin is soft and supple, totally naked or covered with a slight down. There are numerous wrinkles on the head, less on the body. Whiskers are desired. Hairless cats are preferred. Remarks: In kittens, the legs, paws, tail and muzzle may be covered with slight coat, which should be absent in adult cats older than 2 years.

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